Cuba Travel Corporation is very interested in to have contacts with travel agents of all over the world, specially with American travel agents, tour operators, airlines, ground services suppliers and others involved in the U.S. Travel Industry.
Cuba is going to become in the greatest travel destination for American citizen once the embargo of the US Government against Cuba over.We consider that about 8 millions American citizen will visit Cuba every year after 2015
The country is building more than 3,000 rooms a year and from 2005 ahead the average of rooms build per year will be 5,000. After 2016, the plan consider to build 8,000 rooms per year.
In this sense, we have a country just around the corner of the USA that will be receiving 12,000 000 of travelers per year, from which about 8,000 will be Americans or Cuban-Americans with their parents and friends.
In this moment there are about 2, 000 000 Cuban-Americans in the United States of America.
That is why we are very interested in be talking with American agents about this next future for them to be ready to face this grand challenge.