The official currency in Cuba is the Cuban Peso.
There are two currencies in Cuba now:
Covertible Cuban Peso ( ccp$1=usd$1)
Used by tourists to pay any service in Cuba, but really it s not neccesary to change your dolars in Cuba, because U.S. Dollar is aceepted everywhere. And now, the Euro (€) is being accepted also in varadero and other destinations of Cuba.
The Domestic Cuban Peso ( dcp$21=usd$1)
The Domestic Cuban Peso is the used by the population to buy all goods and pay all services.
It s also used by the government owned companies. Tourists in Cuba don t need Domestic Cuban Pesos for anything, but are free to change it s dolars into these pesos is want to buy some goods priced in Domestic Cuban Pesos.
Currency converter
You can convert the currency of your country into Cuban Pesos, US Dollars or European Euros, to calculate the costs of your trip to Cuba.