The Cuban People are the most wonderful, welcoming and friendly of the Caribbean Sea, that´s why we believe that right now is just the moment to visit Cuba, at least for a weekend, from Cancun, Mexico (flight time is 1 hr) or from any other country of the world you happen to be now at the moment.
Cuba is becoming, step by step, one of the most popular destinations of the Caribbean Sea area, specially for American citizens who, by the year, increase their visits to Cuba, using U.S. travel agencies or third countries companies to book their flights or packages when going to Cuba.
When you decide to visit our country, we can arrange your trip from Europe, Asia, America, Ocenia or Africa, using the modern technologies of the Internet, our online booking engines and our phone and fax lines located in CTC offices of Cancun, Havana and Madrid.
Cuba is an normal country, like yours. Here you can rent a car and drive freelly around all the Island, you can stay at hotels, beach resorts, mountains homes, private houses, to sleep inside your car or rent a caravan to go with your family or your friends on camping.
You will also be able to fish, to dive, to hunt, to make social relations with Cuban citizen around the country, to stop in small towns and yalk with any Cuban in Spanish, in English, in French or even in Esperanto, because the Cuban people have one of the highest educational and cultural level of Latin America and even of the world.
In Cuba you wont worry about your personal of familiar safety, because Cuban people is very quite, friendly, wonderful, welcoming population. May be you may listen to some crime histories, but international organizations report that crime in Cuba is one of the worldwide lowest.
This reality is due to the hard control that has established the Cuban Government trough the Tourism Police, a branch of the PNR (Policia Nacional Revolucionaria), with policemen (and policewomen) in each corner of Havana City and in main touristical sites of all over the country.
This closed police control has been very positive welcomed by hunderd of thousands of visitors, who declare in surveys that they feel more safe in Cuba that in their own countries.