Table of distances
With this table you can calculate or hava an idea about the distences in Cuba, if you plan to rent a car or move around the Island.
Cuban Consulate in Washington
The Cuban Consulate in USA is the right place for Cubans living in the USA to apply for passports or any other legal step such as power of attorneys and so on. In case of US citizens, to apply for special visas to visit Cuba as journalists, in religious missions, with non profit organizations and so on.
Massmedia of Cuba
DIn Cuba we have the massmedia in all provinces of the country and other with category of national media and also international level.
Cuban music
Cuba is the number 3 most powerfull country of the world, after the USA and Brazil. Approach Cuba to enjoy our music!
Terms and conditions of our travel services
When you decide to visit Cuba you must agree our Terms and Conditions. If you are an American citizen, please, visit this area by clicking the blue line in order to read the USA Government prohibitions and restrictions to visit Cuba.