Feel the pleasure to stop at the Havana museums and workshop- houses of our most famoust plastic artists. There you will discover the genuine art of what’s mythical and religious, what’s popular and deep, what’s old and modern, through the Cuban paintbrush.
The amazing fusion of all these elements will lead you to a unique art in terms of techniques and theme.
To complete the pleaseure, it takes a visit to the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (fine arts national museum), Galería de la calle Obispo (Obispo gallery), Taller de Grabado (engraving workshop) at Callejón del Chorro.
A visit to Galería La Casona (La Casona gallery) and Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales (visual arts developing center) at Plaza Vieja, Taller de Papel Manufacturado (manufactured paper workshop), Casa de Carmen Montilla (Carmen Montilla’s house) and Taller de Eduardo Roca (Eduardo Roca’s house) are also very interesting.