The Caribbean Festival tTakes place in Santiago de Cuba, every first ten days of July and it’s promoted by Mulemba Show Hispanic Caribbean, permanent representative of The Caribbean House in Cancun, Mexico.
The Caribbean Festival (Fest of Fire) will be dedicated to Africa.
The Festival is organized and sponsored by Casa del Caribe (Caribbean House, Santiago de Cuba), by the Minister of Culture and the ICAP (Cuban institute for Frienship).
The land of Africa and the Caribbean go way back in time before the salve trade, slavary, and the rebels slave stronger and transform thenselves into history.
Culture, into a sinthesys of blood and raices, hope and destiny, past and future, a meeting for identitity.
More than 200 000 Cubans and about 1,500 visitor from almost 30 countries participate every year of the Caribbean Festival of Santiago de Cuba.
Santiago de Cuba is the land of the most famous carnivals of Cuba: los carnavales de Santiago.
During the celebration of the Festival, the following activities will take place:
- Fest of Dance, Music and Folfklore
- Art exhibitions and theorical seminars
- Performances of typical musical groups
- Encounters of traditioal music groups
- Colloquia of Caribbean identity
- Afriacan presence in the Caribbean
- Magical-religious systems
- Archaeology, archivists, social communication, music and festivals history of cultrure
- Dialogues between poets, writers and oral narrators
- Cinema and video exhibitions
- Daily parades of participants groups through the main streets and squares of the city
- General artistic performances of the diverse groups